From the Editor's Desk


Did I scare you? It’s me, the anti-editor. I know, it’s been a while since you heard from me. I’m an aloof kid, figuring it all out one day at a time. I took a long break to travel the world. I went to the furthest coasts (newport) and the highest mountains (laguna) to try and find myself and figure out exactly what I wanted to take a stand against. 

After years on the road, I’ve decided I am anti-cars that smell like the cheese stick wrappers from when I ate those eight cheese sticks two hours ago. I don’t know where I’m going with this.

OH! one fun secret staff update: I almost got “coup d’etat”-ed (violently overthrown). Apparently it’s hard to have a leader who “does not like anything, including this job (unpaid) and the other writers (stupid).” I got out of it by threatening to post my nudes on the Instagram (ugly).