From the Editor's Desk

There’s been some changes at the Kumquat HQ. The editors are always the hottest girls, the baddest boys, or the most malest feminists. Well, feel free to begrudgingly accept me as a new editor, an ANTI-EDITOR. Last week, I was sitting in my anti-room thinking about how the voices at the kumquat are a little too “pro.” I think it’s all the kumquat klout going to the editors' heads… so I’m here to provide some ridiculously hot takes to keep them grounded. First of all, I’m anti-writing. Second of all, I’m anti- anti- writing. Third of all, I’m currently writing. Now if you’re getting confused, listen to this. I’m anti-confusion. 

This month, a freak joined me in the writer’s room… I'm the anti-editor, so I’m even more anti TWO editors, but here she is.

Hi I’m Skwunk. I saw an ad on Craigslist that the Kumquat was looking for a cool, new editor, and boy do I love Craigslist. One thing led to another, I stole the hearts of the entire staff with my charm and distinct-yet-pleasant odor… and here I am. I felt that the whole, “blank-blank” editor thing was getting pretty tired, so I decided to use my legal name. Skwunk. It’s like how Cher only goes by her first name, but my parents actually named me just Skwunk. I’m a little mischievous. I did recently steal the Margaret Thatcher bust from campus and replaced it with a replica, so please PLEASE don’t tell Psafe. Snitches get Skwunked. (you DON’T wanna find out what that means).