A Message to My POC Panthers

As my days in the Kumquat HQ come to a close, I think it's my duty, as the only Black person on staff, to relay the following: leave. Leave. This place is a municipal waste factory of nepotism babies and unwashed ass. LEAVE. This place is a trap. It’s literally in the name: Chapman U? More like Conservative U. CU Safely? At the Klan rally, because it’s only 20 minutes from campus. Someone asked me if I was an extra in ‘Planet of the Apes’ once. Leave. There’s a weird white supremacist in basketball shorts every semester handing out flyers for his “club”. My brother in Christ, LEAVE? Don’t even get me started on the frats. All of em, bad. SAE, I think you’re the stinkiest. Someone also got them in 4K, so I’ll be waiting. The white women here want to move to New York but they can’t even walk with purpose! Taking up all four corners of the sidewalk….Finally, if you don’t believe me, just do this: take a stroll to any of the (flip a coin) antique stores in the Circle and look at the “colorful” portraits.