Editor's Letter

Welcome back girlies!  With my senior year beginning, I have been given the opportunity to reflect on some of my own Orientation Week experiences and be a shining light of guidance, beauty, and mystery for our new freshman readers. 

  1. Do not fuck your OL. Just because they are older than you and seem cool because you literally have not met anyone else older than you does not mean you should do this. 

  2. One O week, I made out with a FIJI while walking past Jerry Price’s house half naked and that is the most school spirit I have ever committed to. Take from that what you will. 

  3. Puke on at least one guy who you think wants to hook up with you. This is a great way to figure out what his attachment style is. 

  4. Make sure your Uber account is not linked to your parent’s credit card in any way. They will ask too many questions. They did not immigrate for you to whore around. 

  5. Wait now that I am thinking about it...maybe DO fuck your OL. Make yourself dominant in the group dynamic. 


 Your editors in chief but very specifically Hot Girl Editor you are dumb if you think Bad Boy editor wrote this