Do You Feel Ugly or Are You Just a POC?

Confused and dazed? Struggling to feel normal? Having difficulty waking up and putting your boobs on? It's possible that you’re either super ugly or just a person of color at Chapman University. Research has found these two characteristics are easily conflated, so if you’re like me and experiencing psychological warfare, don’t worry. I’m here to help!

 First, analyze the people around you: If your all-white friend group calls you their “funny friend”—which get the fuck out of there!—you are definitely just a POC. Probably a really pretty one who needs some new friends.

 Next, analyze the “compliments” given to you. If you keep hearing stuff like, “You are way tanner than me in the summer!” or “You have beautiful bushy caterpillar eyebrows!”, this one can be tricky—but you are just a POC! 

 Lastly… I’m sorry to say; it might just be that you’re ugly. You could always transfer, or be like me: a POC hoping that I’ll peak in my 30s cause there’s no fuckin’ way this is supposed to be the best part of my life.