The Kumquat

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Bluestone Lane is for the Boys

It has come to our attention that Bluestone Lane is crawling with Chapman boys. The Kumquat dug around and discovered that Chapman IFC approved Bluestone Lane as the coffee shop where frat boys can get a little drinky (masculine). Delts President Chris told the Kumquat, “We have a real knack for interior design... and Bluestone nails the atmosphere so well. It truly embodies the ‘Hampton summer beach house’ vibe which just makes me and my brothers feel so at home.” Phi Delt Riley said, “I heard Bluestone is going to raise their prices even more… and I think that’s awesome.” Additionally, Phi Delt will be holding their Spring Formal at Bluestone Lane, although women will not be allowed inside the establishment. Our female reporter conducted over 25 more interviews for this article but all she got was: “It’s for the boys, you wouldn’t get it.”