Senior Advice for the Incoming Freshman

Graduating seniors are often asked, “What is one piece of advice you’d give your younger self?”. Imagine with me for a moment. You’re walking to class, you look across the Piazza and saw her. You, as a high school senior, is on a tour of Chapman. 

According to Julie Simons, a senior, SCC major, it happened. She caught eyes with Young Julie and raised her arm. Young Julie raised her arm at the exact same time, like a mirror. Gasp. Young Julie walked towards Old Julie, “Are you….???”, they said simultaneously. 

Young Julie had a lot of questions: “Did you lose your virginity yet? Are you happy? You look, like, kind of sad and haggard…?” Old Julie smirked, how could she have ever been so naive? Then, Old Julie did what had to be done, “RUN. GIT. GET OUT OF HERE. NEVER RETURN. RETAKE THE FUCKING SAT AND GO TO NYU.”

Every student within earshot stood and slow-clapped, for Old Julie did what they wished they could do. As Young Julie returned to the tour group and told her parents she wanted to leave, Old Julie smiled, finally at peace, turned into dust, and floated into the wind.