Summer Internships are Homophobic

Woopdee - fucking - do. We get it. You accomplished the unthinkable. You get to spend your summer giving your free labor to the Cannes Film Festival (HOW?). You think you’re so high and mighty with you’re silly little LinkedIn “I’m so excited to announce…” post. I bet you got off on buying summer-appropriate business casual. For my sanity, I have to believe there is no way Meathead Ned, who spent the entirety of our statistics class consistently getting the Wordle in 6, got an internship at Meta. Firstly, I want to know who still plays Wordle these days. Secondly, I’m dying to find out what he put on the demographic questions in the application. I never know the angle I’m supposed to go with. Am I supposed to make myself look like the diversity hire or is that the issue? Seriously, how do I get employed this summer? See, this really is homophobic!!! I will not hide my diverse self. I am white and bisexual and I am proud.