JOHN WAYNE: Horrible Racist, Decent Airport

Well folks, the holidays are just around the corner. It’s time to go home and visit family but more importantly, it’s time to pick an airport. That's why I recommend: John Wayne International. You just have to get past the whole “John Wayne being an unforgivable, imperialist glorifying, homophobic racist” thing. 

But trust me, you're gonna LOVE what they've done with the place. Pristine marble floors and the wonderful chic, elegant design is just part of what makes this airport the jewel of the OC. Oh and the decor is just stunning… well I mean.. Except for the massive statue of John Wayne holding a big ass gun. But you know.. This is why you have to separate the art from the artist, you can’t let the fact that John Wayne is actually a racist bigot ruin such a convenient airport. You can get your bags checked and through security in under 15 minutes every time. And I mean do you really expect me to go all the way to Long Beach?? I hope next time you fly, you keep John Wayne in mind and as the man himself once literally said unprompted “I believe in white supremacy”.
