The Kumquat

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Friend Studying Abroad Will Almost Certainly Be Forgotten

Lindsay Cain is worried about whether or not her friends will forget about her while she’s abroad, but she has nothing to worry about. They will. Things will be a little weird at first, but after a couple of days, they will completely adjust to a life without her, and in a few short weeks will forget if her name is spelled with an A or E. 

Many students struggle with FOMO during their semester abroad, and Cain is no exception. While she explores the exquisite Italian countryside, Lindsay will yearn to pregame Improv Inc. shows at The K. As she tours a vineyard, day drinking and flirting with a hot sommelier, she will wonder if her friends are going to Fiji or Phi Delt tonight.

In order to curb this inevitable amnesia, Cain will facetime her friends at inopportune moments, send 2,000 word email update and swipe up on every instagram story— only for her friends to like the message and not reply. 

When Cain returns, it’ll be super awkward, but only for a day or two, and then everything will be fine. Soon after, she will forget about their friends that aren’t spending the summer in LA.