Chapman Wonders Why You All Expected Dorm Pool by Labor Day, After Saying it Would be Done by Labor Day.

Chapman University claimed it was “opposite day” when they promised completion of the pool by labor day, stating “We have absolutely no intention of ever finishing the dorm pool”, and “Did you actually believe we were gonna finish it you dumb little baby?”

Weeks before this statement was released, construction workers had been seen advertising the “build a pool” club, with club meetings everyday lasting somewhere between 8-12 hours. One particularly misleading event, the “Concrete Mixer" had freshmen scrambling to find the sexiest OSHA approved uniforms. Surprisingly, the club has become quite popular with students, with plans to build more pools on campus after the completion of this one.

But not all are as happy with the ongoing construction. Notably, the water polo team has been forced to hold practice in campus fountains—though, admittedly, this has given the water polo team a massive home advantage with no other teams being able to navigate a huge metal globe in the middle of the playing field.

Opposite day or not, some things are set in stone, like Chapman making false promises to its student body, or the freshman that accidentally got mixed into the concrete, thoughts and prayers!