The Kumquat

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Breaking: The Complete Stranger You Hooked Up With Last Night Is Somehow In Two Of Your Classes

Sophomore Connor Hewitt didn’t ask for much. He just wanted to go to a mid-size school. He wanted intimate class sizes, the personal student-faculty relationships, the manageable campus. He also just wanted to make out with a girl and then never see her again.

“I had never seen this girl before in my life,” says Hewitt. “Then, suddenly, she’s everywhere I look. In my English class. Ordering at Einstein’s. Sitting next to me in Poli Sci. At my friend Chloe’s birthday party.”

The next morning, Hewitt woke up to three follow requests from her friends from high school and a text that said “ahahaha wouldn’t it be crazy if we got coffee?”

Upon further investigation, Hewitt discovered that beyond being in two of his classes, they also have the same interdisciplinary cluster, ride the same shuttle on Mondays, and are both on the Galapagos Interterm trip. She also lives six doors down from him in Grand and her big is his big’s twin.