I’m Having An Emotional Affair With The Fruit Guy At The Farmer’s Market

Sure, I haven’t felt the prolonged touch of another human being in 8 months and my roommate continues to not take my offer to hook up seriously, but I really think what me and Richard (I have no idea what his name is) have is real.

It all started two months ago when he said “Good to see you!” That could just be a good neutral greeting, or it could mean he wants to fuck my brains out. The next week, things really started to heat up. He told me the Pink Lady Apples were in season and I came so hard. When he “let me in on a little secret” about which size Pluot to get, I was a broken fire hydrant. At checkout, I said “see you next week!” and he said “I’ll be here!” 

But, 7 days later, he wasn’t. I was devastated. I thought we had something real. At nights, I sipped sauvignon blanc and thought about being held by his nice forearms. I dreamt of running away together, starting a fruit stand in Southern Italy, adopting a son, naming him Giuseppe, getting a house on the coast and feeding each other grapes until we’re old and gray? Do I mean nothing to him? Does Giuseppe mean nothing to him? 

But, the next week, he was back and everything was right in the world. He greeted me with smiling eyes and he told me that the clementines were getting softer every week. My nipples were getting harder by the minute. I’m just glad he and I are back to normal. I hope my favorite Trader Joe’s cashier, Michael (he has a name tag), doesn’t get jealous though.

Girl Who Gave Up Social Media for New Year’s Living In Blissful Ignorance

After watching the first 20 minutes of The Social Dilemma, sophomore Maddy Buss realized it was time for a change. For her New Year’s Rezzie, she decided to delete all social media for the month of January. After her “2020 sucked, but here are the best parts :)” photo dump on the 31st, she was completely #offthegrid.

It was only a couple days before her followers became suspicious. Maddy’s Gphi sister, Abby Haralson, was especially concerned. “After the Capitol attacks, Maddy didn’t repost a single @soyouwannatalkabout infographic, which was troubling. But, when she didn’t post the Kumquat’s “Struppa Email Template” on her story, I knew something was really wrong.”, Abby contacted the Kumquat’s Investigative Team, and after a full on manhunt, the KIT finally found Maddy at her parent’s house in New Jersey. 

“I was totally addicted to social media. It honestly feels so good to not depend on something like that anymore,” she told us, as she exhaled a rip from her Puff Bar on our zoom call. “I’m so happy to just disconnect, you know? 2020 was just so depressing. I needed a positive start to 2021.” 

We proceeded to shatter the illusion that 2021 would be any better by telling her all that had happened within just the first week of the New Year. She was speechless. After 3 minutes of us asking if her Zoom was frozen, she got really close to the camera and whispered, “I can never watch Call Me By Your Name the same ever again.” 

Dodge Majors Realizing Just How Fucked They Really Are

With the recent announcement that all production has been halted until February 19th due to COVID restrictions, Dodge majors are finally facing what they knew, deep down, all along: going to film school was a terrible idea. 

“It didn’t really hit me before, while we were on campus. Maybe I was just starstruck by my film studies professor, Matthew Arkin, son of two-time Spirit Award nominee Alan Arkin”, said film production major Braden Joe. “Maybe I was too busy getting off on telling people my major during GE classes… but halfway through converting my senior thesis into a ‘narrative podcast’ for my graduate portfolio, I started to realize I am so not getting a job.”

Students like Joe are combing through their bodies of work in the face of three semesters’ worth of cancelled projects, forced to try and cut a reel from visual storytelling projects they got a B- on. 

“Anne Beatts told me my film was [redacted for the sensitivity of our readers], but it’s kinda all I’ve got.” said Senior TWP Major Trey Makishima. “If the post-Covid economy has no use for a surrealist dark dramedy short-form series following a tragic romance between two creatives living in Culver City, I will die with no money. I have no other marketable skills”

And now for a really tone deaf article

Walk sign is on for all crossing!!! Hahaha, omg don’t you miss it? We have so many fun inside jokes! People who didn’t go to Chapman would NEVER understand what we mean when we refer to The Filling Station or make fun of Sub Connection. They wouldn’t get absolute joy that it is to attend Chapman University with genuinely no problematic things happening! Like maybe problematic things are happening, but isn’t it so much more fun to just think about what a kooky, kwazy school we go to? So insane! Isn’t Hashinger Basement scary? Aren’t the stairs in AF so annoying? Aren’t those Dodge kids so self-centered but also the coolest guys on campus? God, this school is QUIRKY. We even run around in our UNDERWEAR once a semester! Name a quirkier school. Like, wow Chapman is such a great place and going here is always the best all of  time. We truly have no problems and our piece of the Berlin Wall is bigger than the one at LMU. This school is totally rad (sunglasses emoji).