The Kumquat

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To My Incoming POC (Panthers of Color)

What the hell were you thinking accepting an admission offer to “Chapman University”? At this PWI, you will always be othered for the color of your skin no matter how hard you try to fit in, simply because you’re outnumbered. But, when push comes to shove and administration needs to save face, your presence on this campus will be tokenized to fill diversity quotas as a form of saying “we’re not a racist institution lmao?….. a student that isn’t white literally just walked past you…..?” 

When you’re in your humanities classes where our literal rights as human beings are topics of discourse facilitated by your white professors, your white classmates will look you in the eye and seek non-verbal affirmations for what they’re saying so that the “BLM ACAB” in their Instagram bio doesn’t feel performative and their white savior complex only grows bigger. Because you, a student of color, agreed with their surface level “drink water and don’t be racist” discussion contribution. And that fucking rocks.

The students of color on this campus have a silent agreement. There’s a sense of comradery and understanding knowing that we have each others’ back - solidarity in secret. And, my incoming POC (Panthers of Color), I’ll be the first to say I got yours.

When your first semester ends and your eyes are opened up to the truth, you can walk up to me and thank me for these words of wisdom. Obviously, I can’t reveal who I am but there’s literally only two brown boys on campus so I’m sure you’ll know me when you see me. 

Good luck babes.