Tiffany can’t find her white Jeep Wrangler

BREAKING: Tiffany Grey, junior, has recently lost her car in the Lastinger Parking Structure. When asked for specifics, she said the Jeep “is super cute, has a California license plate, and has a ‘keep calm and just beach it’ sticker on the back bumper”.

Yesterday, she thought she had found it. “I was walking through the parking lot when I saw it! It had Alpha Phi written really big on the back and I knew it was mine. I walked up to the driver’s side and saw my reflection in the window, but then the door swung open and it turns out it was just my BFF Britney.”

If any of our readers find the Jeep, please tell Tiffany. The car was last seen in a boomerang on Tiff’s Instagram story and answers to the name “Car.”