The Kumquat

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Halloween Cancelled for Gay People due to Lack of Good Couples’ Costumes

Gay marriage was sooo 2015. Now, gay people are as equal as normal people in every aspect but one: couples costumes for Halloween. Where regular couples have Joker and Harley Quinn, gay boys have Kurt and Blaine. Standard folk have Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters, lesbians have Santana and Brittany. Usual people have Harry and Sally, queers have Rachel Berry’s dads. 

“It’s a classic case of straight privilege,” lesbian “person” Ruby Colby ‘23 says. “I wish it was possible to do the classic ketchup and mustard with my girlfriend, but we’d have to do mustard and mustard, and I look terrible in yellow.” 

More homosexuals are speaking out on this issue. “We’re running out of Glee characters,” says Billiam Haunts ‘23, gay. “Last year my partner and I went as Mr. Schu and Ricky Martin when he guest-starred that one episode.”

What can you do? Sign the petition to renew Glee for one more season to bring more costumes to under-privileged gay couples.