Girl So Tired After Driving to LA for Very Important Internship

“Ugh, I can’t believe I even came out tonight! I’m so exhausted. The 405* was sooo clogged up on the way home. Thankfully, I LOVE my internship. I’m so grateful I’m getting a film degree, it’s so helpful for when I’m doing projects / scrolling on Instagram reels trying to feel human again. They actually can’t afford to pay me right now, but they have free snacks (trail mix)! I think I’m going to get a return offer! What’s the salary? Probably like minimum wage. But it’s okay! I’m getting to do what I love, email all day and sit in on phone calls with rich white men! I know the experience is going to pay off. Besides, how important is money anyway? It’s not like I really want a family or a house with a window that looks onto a backyard or an opportunity to pay off my student loans……….. But what financially stable person can say they saw an email chain with PAUL DANO?! I didn’t, but the assistant got to! UGH! I love this industry!” 

*Southern California highway, only for industry people