The Kumquat

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From the Editor's Desk

Hey you silly little Panthers! Hope you all had a delicious little spring break and that you remembered to call your mom, eat your veggies, text your ex, scrub behind your ears, etc. Healthy stuff. Can you believe we have one month left? Especially to all you COVID babies and COVID-sophomores-turned-super-seniors. One month and then you all can go back to Cabo or Ohio or chill in your overpriced apartment for the summer, building up your collection of City of Orange parking tickets. Whatever you’re up to, know the Kumquat is here for you. And I’m your sultry new little editorette here to uphold our tradition of spreading fake news and to the entire Chapman community. Check us out on and or on insta since we finally got un-shadowbanned for saying “pussy” in an issue (Women’s month win!)

Okay bye, love you!


Your HBIC and editor-in-chief, Ms. Information (“Missy” for short) ;)