The Kumquat

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Here’s the precedent Struppa just set and how YOU can abuse it

By not immediately firing John Eastman for his role in the insurrection at the capitol, Struppa signalled many things to the student body; that he’s a little bitch for conservative donor money and that he has a teeny tiny dick. But most importantly: as a member of Chapman University, you cannot be punished for speech that incites violence. This is big news.


You should expect to see a lot of things change on campus. The QDoba ladies now have NO incentive to be nice to your entitled ass when you say “umm can you give me more chicken..?” In fact, they can legally tell you to kill yourself. There's nothing you or anyone can do about it. That's the way things are now. Legally. 


Asked your professor for an extension on a project you had two months to work on? Don't be surprised when she sends you an email telling you she's gonna curbstomp you in front of Leatherby Libraries. Because she can do that. By law.


YOU have the opportunity to abuse this, just as John Eastman has abused the title of “Lawyer” for the past 130 years at LEAST. Struppa sent you an email that he didn’t even sign? You can respond however you like. You can literally do anything imaginable. What’s he gonna do about it? He’s not the fucking emperor of Chapman. You are. Legally.