The Kumquat

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Things I'm gonna lick this fall

I’m vaxxed. COVID is gone (duh.) Now, i NEEEED to lick some stuff. Here’s a list of all the stuff my tongue is gonna touch this O - week:

  • The front door knob of the FIJI Batavia house 

  • The back door knob of ur mom’s house ;)

  • The bust of Abraham Lincoln (sexxxy)

  • The floor of the Hashinger basement (lots of texture, delicious)

  • My sociology professor’s butt 

  • The glass food protector thing at Qdoba

  • The globe fountain (just perfect for licking)

  • Each and every individual stair of the AF spiral staircase, to lube it up so people slip and fall and i can watch haha

  • Ur balls (jk ew that’s gross)

*** Note: We have just been informed that this writer’s licking of several objects and people around campus may have a possible link to the creation of a new strain of the virus. The CDC is calling it the  O - variant. Be careful out there, wear your masks, and don’t touch anything that smells like garlic because she probably licked it. ***