The Kumquat

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Room Available for Sublease!!

Hey guys! I’m looking to sublease my room this summer from June to August! Only $19,000 for your own room super close to campus — not Chapman’s campus, but I’m right by UC Santa Cruz! Go Banana Slugs! The room comes fully furnished with my grandmother’s belongings (rip), but you can also bring some of your grandmother’s belongings if you’d like!

House is clean, affordable, haunted, and spacious! There’s an adorable little window seat in the living room and also an adorable little dead girl in the corner of the bedroom who never stops weeping. It is a crack house, but my roommates are like super nice and always down to share.

If you check out the attic, don’t be surprised if you find my evil twin, Rebecca. We aren’t really on speaking terms, but if you have the chance tell her to go fuck herself, she’ll know what it means. I guess if there’s anything I can really say that sums up the glory of this house to you, it’s this: I’ve been in eleven different roadside KFC’s and only three of them were nicer than my house, thank you. DM me if interested!! <3