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Junior Girl Suffers Complete Breakdown After Becoming Chapman Twitter Famous

“The likes...they just kept coming and coming. After a while I looked and there were 76 of them, with a couple of replies from people that I only sort of know in real life. I was shocked.” These are the words of Carrie Bradshaw, a junior TV Writing and Production major who has recently struck moderate Chapman Twitter fame. After not making it on Improv or our writing staff, Bradshaw became used to tweeting one liners like “drunk outside urth caffe” and “made eye contact with my gynecologist today,” to her limited audience. 

Bradshaw finally made it big by penning the simple “what I wouldn’t do to be able to be hungover in AF right now.” After the tweet, Bradshaw received likes primarily from Dodge students who have no other creative or comedic outlets at this point in quarantine. She is now paying special attention to interactions from boys she thinks are hot but have never really talked to and is now vastly overanalyzing. “If he liked my tweet where I said the word ‘sex’, does that mean he wants to have sex with me? It has to. The one time we were on set together he was, like, looking at me, you know? I think he wants to fuck because he…” We let her trail off after we noticed she was rocking back and forth in her chair and foaming at the mouth. Make sure to follow Bradshaw @larrygirl69, which she assures us she has been unable to change since she originally made the account in seventh grade.