The Kumquat

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In Memoriam: Henley Basement

There’s a lot of excitement at the beginning of the year, but we here at The Kumquat think it is equally important to reflect and mourn what we’ve lost. The Chapman community suffered a significant loss this year when SGA decided that we need a second gym, a block away from the other one, for some reason. Rest in peace Henley basement, you will be missed by many: Boys who pretend they know how to play pool, girls who pretend they don’t know how to play pool, and horny freshmen with shitty roommates. We will never forget your mediocre couches with empty juul pods stuck in between the cushions, your women’s room that people poop the smelliest poops in, or your food court that was always closed. Your memory will live on with spin classes, Yoga, Zumba, and, let’s be honest: horny freshmen with shitty roommates.